
Adoptive Cell & CAR T-Cell Therapies

With over 80 unique hematological malignancy cell lines, such as the CD19+ Raji-Luc lymphoma model, the MV-4-11-Luc-mCh-Puro leukemia model, and the MM.1S-Luc-Neo multiple myeloma model, we lead the industry with market-relevant models for your studies. 我们还拥有规模不断扩展、在NSG小鼠中经过验证的实体瘤模型,以支持该领域实现对实体瘤适应症采用过继细胞疗法(ACT)的批准。

Discover an unparalleled breadth of experience in the use of mouse tumor models to evaluate ACTs.

With a broad range of disseminated and subcutaneous tumor models characterized in NSG mice, and a scientific team that knows how to apply them, we can guide selection of the right tumor model for your Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell study or other ACT study.

Tumor Models by Histotype, Characterized in NSG Mice


Acute monocytic leukemiaMV-4-11-Luc-mCh-Puro (disseminated)
THP1-Luc-mCh-Puro (disseminated)
Burkitt's lymphomaDaudi-Luc-mCh-Puro (disseminated)
Raji-Luc (SC/disseminated)
淋巴细胞白血病NALM6-Luc-mCh-Puro (SC/disseminated)
骨髓性白血病Kasumi-3-Luc-mCh-Puro (disseminated)
KG-1-Luc-mCh-Puro (disseminated)
浆细胞性骨髓瘤MM1.S-Luc-Neo (disseminated)
MOLM-13 (disseminated)
NCI-H929-Luc-mCh-Puro (disseminated)
RPMI-8226 (SC)
Promyelocytic leukemiaHL-60-Luc-mCh-Puro (disseminated)



Bladder carcinomaSW780 (SC)
Breast/mammary carcinomaBT-474 (SC)
HCC70 (SC)
MDA-MB-231 (OT)
MDA-MB-468 (SC)
ZR-75-1 (SC)
胃癌NCI-N87 (SC)
SNU-5 (SC)
胶质母细胞瘤U-251-Luc-mCh-Puro (SC/intracranial)
肝细胞癌Hep 3B2.1-7 (SC)
Hep G2 (SC)
Hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinomaFaDu
Lung cancer: Non-small cell lung carcinomaA549 (SC)
NCI-H1299 (SC)
NCI-H1703 (SC)
NCI-H1975 (SC)
NCI-H1975-Luc (SC)
Lung cancer: Small cell lung carcinomaDMS-114 (SC)
NCI-H446 (SC)
NCI-H82 (SC)
SHP-77 (SC)
黑色素瘤A-375 (SC)
SK-MEL-28 (SC)
Ovarian carcinomaOV-90 (SC)
OVCAR-8-Luc-mCh-Puro (SC/IP)
PA-1 (SC)
SK-OV-3 (SC)
SK-OV-3-Luc-D3 (IP)
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaBxPc-3 (SC)
MIA PaCa-2 (SC)
前列腺癌22Rv1 (SC)
LNCaP clone FGC (SC)
PC-3 (SC)
PC-3M-Luc-C6 (SC)

