<span>Biocompatibility Matrix</span>
November 1, 2023

Biocompatibility Matrix

Biocompatibility endpoints required for assessment as a part of a risk-based evaluation of medical device safety are provided by ISO 10993-1 and various international regulatory body standards and guidance documents.
<span>Future requirements for regulatory testing of mixtures and UVCBs</span>
November 12, 2023

Future requirements for regulatory testing of mixtures and UVCBs

SETAC NA 2023 -- UVCB substances (Unknown, Variable composition, Complex reaction products, Biological) have many different constituents, some of which may be unknown. The composition can be variable or difficult to predict. Multi-constituent substances consists of several main constituents.
<span>Refined parameters for bumblebee microcolony dietary exposure tests</span>
November 12, 2023

Refined parameters for bumblebee microcolony dietary exposure tests

SETAC NA 2023 -- In this study, we explore the procedures and parameters required to optimise a GLP laboratory microcolony feeding test to determine whether sugar syrup and pollen contaminated with doses of a test item could affect the food consumption, worker survival and size of the brood, as well as cause any delay of adult emergence in the bumblebee