

Clinical trials help determine if medications, vaccines, medical devices, and medical procedures are safe and effective for treating or preventing diseases and health conditions.没有临床试验,我们就没有新的治疗方法。 So, by joining a clinical trial you contribute to meaningful change in our world.

Developing drugs and life-changing treatments starts here, with you.

Before any new or improved drugs or treatments can be widely used, they must go through phases of testing to determine efficacy and ensure safety.

At Labcorp, we rely on the participation of people like you to make this happen. 

Decentralized trials

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  • 临床试验遵循相关标准并受到严格监管以保护参与者。 Every trial is closely monitored by an independent Ethics Committee (EC) or Institutional Review Board to safeguard the rights and welfare of participants.然而,临床试验不可能没有风险。尽管已采取安全预防措施来保护参与临床试验的人员,但您的疾病或健康状况可能仍然会保持不变、改善或恶化。

  • An Institutional Review Board (IRB) or an Ethics Committee (EC) is an independent group of doctors, scientists, and lay people - just like you - who are dedicated to making sure that the clinical trial participants are not exposed to unnecessary risks. The IRB or EC regularly reviews clinical trials and their results. They make sure that risks (or potential harm) to participants are as low as possible.

  • 临床研究分阶段进行。临床试验研究的药物或治疗方法被认为是研究性或实验性的,因为其尚未被批准使用。

    • I期 trials evaluate safety and collect information about side effects. Some phase I clinical trials only look for healthy volunteers, who may be compensated for participating. Learn more about healthy volunteer clinical trials.
    • II期 trials evaluate effectiveness (does it work?) and collect additional information about safety and side effects. 通常这是第一次在患有这种疾病的人身上测试一种药物。
    • III期 trials evaluate a drug or treatment in large groups of people worldwide to confirm effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it to commonly used treatments, and collect additional information that will allow it to be used safely.
    • IV期 trials take place after a drug or treatment is approved for use. These trials provide additional information about risks, benefits, and best use of the drug or treatment.
  • 研究团队将向您介绍试验,并与您一起检视知情同意书(ICD)。本文档描述了试验期间的流程。 You can take as much time as you need to ask questions and review the ICD before deciding if you want to be in the trial.如果您决定参加试验,您需要签署ICD。签署该文件,即表明您已被告知所有详细信息并希望参与研究。您将获得一份ICD副本以备参考。 You can also ask questions throughout the trial so that you continue to understand what will happen.

  • 如果您想参加临床试验,您将接受筛选,以确定您是否满足参与试验的所有要求。作为筛选流程的一部分,您需要回答有关您的病史、既往和当前治疗和药物以及可能影响您参与试验的能力的其他问题。作为筛选流程的一部分,您可能还需要接受一些医学检查和程序。试验中心的研究人员和医生将与您一起检视这些信息,并且会在知情同意书中进行阐述。

  • Trial-related activities depend on the type of research being done and can vary from one appointment to the next. Activities may include (but are not limited to):

  • 研究药物或治疗尚未批准用于正在研究的用途,只能通过临床试验提供给患者。

  • 安慰剂外观与研究药物相似,但不含活性药物。安慰剂通常用于临床试验,以帮助评估研究药物,比较服用研究药物的参与者与服用安慰剂的参与者的效果。

  • 如果您对试验的任何方面有疑问或疑虑,您应该随时与研究团队讨论这些问题。您也可以与您的主治医生讨论临床试验。

  • 参加临床试验纯属自愿。如果研究团队确定您可以参加试验,您可以选择参加或不参加。如果您选择参加,您可以随时改变主意并出于任何理由退出试验。这不会影响您的常规医疗护理或您在参加试验前享有的任何医疗福利。