<span>A Mechanistic Insight into the Lung-Derived Inflammatory Response Following In Vitro Exposure to Cigarette Smoke and Next-Generation Nicotine Delivery Products</span>
July 3, 2022

A Mechanistic Insight into the Lung-Derived Inflammatory Response Following In Vitro Exposure to Cigarette Smoke and Next-Generation Nicotine Delivery Products

UKEMS 2022 -- Lung inflammation plays a role in the pathogenesis of various respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). The etiology of these diseases involves interactions between lung and immune cells, with immune cells regulating the body's response to external stimuli.
<span>Generation of polyclonal anti-idiotype antibodies</span>
August 1, 2022

Generation of polyclonal anti-idiotype antibodies

An idiotype is a unique antigen-binding site in an antibody and is made up of several epitopes in the variable region. Antibodies raised against the idiotype of a given antibody are called anti-idiotypic antibodies or commonly anti-Ids.