

Integrated micronucleus and multi-endpoint screen for identification and classification of in vitro genotoxicants

September 7, 2024
EMGS 2024 -- Screening for in vitro genotoxicity can remove potential hazards and identify lead candidates early in development. The in vitro micronucleus (IVMN) assay is routinely used to screen compounds for induction of chromosome damage with low compound requirement and faster turnaround times. However, micronucleus induction can arise via non-DNA reactive modes of actions, which can be important information when identifying compounds for further development. The in vitro MultiFlow® assay is a multiplexed flow cytometric based assay for prediction of genotoxic mode of action (clastogenic, aneugenic or non-genotoxic) based on changes in ɣH2AX, p53, phospo-histone H3 (pHH3) and polyploidy. Integrating IVMN and MultiFlow® endpoints can provide genotoxic mode of action information and better understanding of any apparent genotoxic response. Human TK6 cells were exposed to known clastogens, aneugens and non-genotoxicants and analysed at 4 and 24 hours for compound-induced changes in p53, ɣH2AX, phospo-histone H3 and polyploidy using the MultiFlow® assay and at 24 hours for induction of micronuclei (MN).