有关时间、上门服务和预约Cholesterol, total; Apolipoprotein B (ApoB); high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol; low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (calculation); non-high-density lipoprotein (non-HDL) cholesterol (calculation = total cholesterol minus HDLC); triglycerides
1 - 3 days
Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.
Serum or plasma
1 mL
0.5 mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)
Spun NMR LipoTube (preferred); serum from a plain red-top tube, plasma from a lavender-top (EDTA-no gel) or green-top (heparin-no gel) tube is acceptable
Spun NMR LipoTube (preferred); serum from a plain red-top tube, plasma from a lavender-top (EDTA-no gel) |
Spun NMR LipoTube (preferred); serum from a plain red-top tube, plasma from a lavender-top (EDTA-no gel) or green-top (heparin-no gel) tube is acceptable |
Collect specimen in NMR LipoTube (black-and-yellow-top tube), which is the preferred container. Plain red-top, green-top (heparin-no gel) or lavender-top (EDTA-no gel) tubes also are acceptable. Serum or plasma drawn in gel-barrier collection tubes other than the NMR LipoTube should not be used.
The NMR LipoTube is the only acceptable gel-barrier tube. Gently invert tube eight to 10 times to mix contents and allow specimen to clot for 30 minutes upright at room temperature prior to centrifugation (plasma tubes should not clot). Centrifuge specimen within two hours of collection at 1600 to 1800 xg for 10 to 15 minutes to separate serum/plasma from the red cells and to avoid red cell contamination during shipment.
Note: All specimens should be centrifuged by the client prior to shipment to Labcorp to ensure sample integrity. Immediately after centrifugation, pipette separated red-top serum or green-top/lavender-top plasma into a transport tube and label accordingly (serum, heparin plasma, EDTA plasma).
Collect specimen in NMR LipoTube (black-and-yellow-top tube), which is the preferred container. Plain red-top, green-top (heparin-no gel) The NMR LipoTube is the only acceptable gel-barrier tube. Gently invert tube 8 to 10 times to mix contents and allow specimen to clot for 30 minutes upright at room temperature prior to centrifugation (Plasma tubes should not clot). Centrifuge specimen within two hours of collection at 1800 to 2200xg for 10 to 15 minutes to separate serum/plasma from the red cells and to avoid red cell contamination during shipment. Note: All specimens should be centrifuged by the client, prior to shipment to Labcorp, to ensure sample integrity. Immediately after centrifugation, pipette separated red-top serum or green-top/lavender-top plasma into a transport tube and label accordingly (serum, heparin plasma, EDTA plasma). |
Collect specimen in NMR LipoTube (black-and-yellow-top tube), which is the preferred container. Plain red-top, green-top (heparin-no gel) or lavender-top (EDTA-no gel) tubes also are acceptable. Serum or plasma drawn in gel-barrier collection tubes other than the NMR LipoTube should not be used. The NMR LipoTube is the only acceptable gel-barrier tube. Gently invert tube eight to 10 times to mix contents and allow specimen to clot for 30 minutes upright at room temperature prior to centrifugation (plasma tubes should not clot). Centrifuge specimen within two hours of collection at 1600 to 1800 xg for 10 to 15 minutes to separate serum/plasma from the red cells and to avoid red cell contamination during shipment. Note: All specimens should be centrifuged by the client prior to shipment to Labcorp to ensure sample integrity. Immediately after centrifugation, pipette separated red-top serum or green-top/lavender-top plasma into a transport tube and label accordingly (serum, heparin plasma, EDTA plasma). |
Temperature | Period |
Room temperature | LipoTube Serum: 7 days; Plain Serum: 5 days; EDTA Plasma: 7 days; Sodium Heparin Plasma: 6 days |
Refrigerated | All tubes: 14 days |
Frozen | All tubes: 14 days (Note: Triglyceride values in frozen samples with high values >400 mg/dL may be decreased more than 10% when frozen.) |
Freeze/thaw cycles | ApoB serum tubes: Stable x4; NMR LipoTubes: Stable x1; All other tubes: Stable x5 |
Patient fasting is not required; however, in conditions where triglyceride values provide a priori diagnostic information, such as screening for familial hypercholesterolemia or early onset heart disease, pancreatitis, or confirming hypertriglyceridemia, the patient should be counseled to fast 12 to 14 hours prior to blood draw.
Unspun specimens; plasma/serum contaminated with red cells; citrated plasma (light blue-top tube); gross hemolysis; specimen received in gel-barrier collection tube other than the LipoTube
This "Extended Lipid Panel" quantifies the components of a typical lipid panel (TC, HDL-C and TG) along with ApoB by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy using the Vantera NMR Clinical Analyzer. Results from the Extended Lipid Panel Assay can be used by physicians to assist in CVD risk assessment. The principal protein component of LDL particles, ApoB, has been shown to be associated with CVD and is also an important CVD risk factor.
If triglyceride level is >800 mg/dL, LDL cholesterol will not be calculated.
This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by Labcorp. It has not been cleared or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
Note: The NMR method for Triglycerides, unlike the routine chemical method, is not affected by endogenous glycerol, which might be found in very rare clinical conditions such as Hyperglycerolemia (glycerol kinase deficiency-GKD), an X-linked genetic disorder. Large quantitative differences in the chemical and NMR method results may be attributable to high blood glycerol.
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The LOINC® codes are copyright © 1994-2021, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. Permission is granted in perpetuity, without payment of license fees or royalties, to use, copy, or distribute the LOINC® codes for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, subject to the terms under the license agreement found at https://loinc.org/license/. Additional information regarding LOINC® codes can be found at LOINC.org, including the LOINC Manual, which can be downloaded at LOINC.org/downloads/files/LOINCManual.pdf